Lock Etching Service
44 Delta is now offering a special service to customers where you can have a padlock etched with your own custom graphic(s). This document will describe the details of this service.
44 Delta will keep a few locks in inventory for you to choose from (fastest option). And if you need more than I show in inventory, then definitely contact me as there are other pools of locks on-hand that can be reallocated for your project.
Alternatively, you may be able to request that a specific lock be procured by 44 Delta for you to then etch (slower option). To see the available inventory you can pick from right now, go here: Inventory.
Here are a few examples of locks etched for customers of 44 Delta.
Limitations and Understanding
Laser etching is a process whereby an object is permanently marked by heating and/or removing small amounts of material on object's surfaces. When done properly, the etched parts of an object become altered such that they reveal a nice contrasting color against the natural color of the object to be etched.
Therefore laser etching does not produce any colors of the rainbow (with some minor exceptions for titanium and stainless steel which are not applicable here). And, in the case of the service being offered here, it will not produce any grayscale colors outside of white and black.
Images with solid blocks of color (black or white), no shading, and clean lines will produce the best results. If your image has a lot of small details, shading, etc, there is a high likelihood that the results won't match your expectations. See the photo gallery above for examples
Anodized (colored) aluminum, when etched, will result in a white color where the laser was applied. On a brass lock the laser will produce a black marking.
What this Service is NOT Offering
This service is NOT offering any of the following:
- Etching/engraving anything other than the lock body and/or keys.
- Deep engraving (as seen in some one-off 44 Delta LockArt pieces).
- Creating graphics for you.
This service will laser etch the graphic(s) you provide onto a lock. While there are some techniques to allow an approximation of a grayscale color palette on locks, that is not what this service is offering.
Therefore, every image you provide for this service MUST be in black and white only. Grayscale or colored images will be rejected.
A simple way to convert your image to black and white is to use a threshold operation on it. Here's an online tool you can use to do so. Play with the slider until the image looks how you'd like it: Threshold
Additionally, if you wish to have any text included, it must already be in the image you are providing. That way we don't have to have a bunch of back and forth dialog about font choices which are highly subject to personal opinion.
Please understand the following: The black parts of your graphic(s) represent the what the laser will be physically etching. Say for example, you have a black circle against a white background in your graphic. If you were to etch this image onto a black anodized aluminum padlock, it would result in a white circle. If, however, you were to etch this image onto a brass padlock, it would result in a black circle.
- Deposit (applied towards basic service price): $10 (*)
- Basic etch service (one graphic on the face of the lock): $50 (**)
- Etching on additional faces of the lock: $5 (per face)
- Etching the key(s): $10 (covers all keys, both sides)
- Shipping: $(Variable)
* = The deposit is non-refundable, but is applied as a credit towards the final invoice.
** = The $50 is the minimum fee PER LOCK DESIGN, regardless of lock brand/model, which includes the lock itself. This will be the fee for locks that 44 Delta already has on hand for this service. If, however, you request a special order of a different lock then a suitable fee that covers the lock acquisition and this base service will be communicated to you before invoicing.
If you are interested in more than one lock being etched with the same design, please indicate as such in the request form you will fill out. Pricing for multiple locks of the same design will be determined on a case by case basis.
The Steps to Getting Your Lock Etched
Step 1: Pay the Non-Refundable Deposit
The first step in getting a custom etched lock from 44 Delta is to leave a deposit. This deposit is non-refundable, but will be applied toward the final price of your etched lock. After paying the deposit, 44 Delta will contact you via email to move onto step 2.
Step 2: Fill Out the Custom Etched Lock Request Form
44 Delta will give you access to a request form which you must complete within 72 hours. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of your deposit and your ability to get a lock custom etched.
Please answer every question in this form accurately, and then submit it. This will ideally give 44 Delta enough information to proceed to step 3. If not, 44 Delta will contact you via email to request any further information needed to complete the job.
At this step, the 44 Delta order that contains your deposit will be marked as "fulfilled" indicating that you have been given access to the request form. Should you proceed through to step 5 there will be a separate 44 Delta order that represents your physical lock.
Step 3: Lock Acquisition
44 Delta tends to have a few specific locks in stock already. Namely the black Paclock 90A-PRO, black American Lock A1100, and brass American Lock 5560. If 44 Delta already has the lock you want etched available then you will automatically advance to step 4. Otherwise, you will be contacted to inform you that your specific lock needs to be special ordered.
Step 4: Receiving and Approving the Proof
Once 44 Delta has the lock you want etched on site, a "proof" will be constructed for you to review and approve. This "proof" will include screenshots to show you the image(s) to be etched, and their approximate positions. You will receive this proof via email.
It is your responsibility to carefully review the proof, as it is the last step before your lock is permanently etched. There's no take backs.
Please respond with either your approval to move forward or, instead, any changes you wish to make. Whenever you receive a proof you must respond within 72 hours or else you forfeit your deposit and your custom etched lock. If you requested changes you will receive an updated proof.
Step 5: Receiving and Paying the Final Invoice
At this stage you have paid a deposit and approved of the proof(s). The next step is to receive and pay the invoice that will cover the remainder of the labor. 44 Delta will send you an email invoice from its store to collect payment. You have 72 hours from the invoice is sent to pay this invoice in full, otherwise you forfeit your deposit and your lock.
Step 6: Etching
Once you've made it to this step your lock is ready to be etched and the hard part is over. The actual etching of the lock takes only a matter of minutes. Your lock will be packaged and processed just like any other 44 Delta order. You will receive an email from the 44 Delta store which will include your parcel tracking number.