The Land of Misfit Prints

Looking for a Heavily Discounted Item?

Sometimes a 3D printed item ends up having visual defects. The item may be perfectly functional, but 44 Delta chooses not to sell it on the store front due to the flaws. This accumulating box of items is known as The Land of Misfit Prints.

There are too many such items to itemize, take photos of, and list. But if there's an item you've seen on the store, there's a pretty decent chance there's a copy of it in The Land of Misfit Prints.

Rather than send these still-useful prints to the landfill, 44 Delta would much rather sell them at deeply discounted prices (like 40% of their normal prices).

So, if you are looking for a super cheap alternative to what is normally sold at 44 Delta, you just need to inquire. You can do so here: Request to Search the Land of Misfit Prints